ODHDSP Overview
In October 2014, the North Carolina Division of Public Health (DPH) was awarded Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (ODHDSP) funding for the implementation of population-wide and priority population approaches to prevent obesity, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, and the reduction of related health disparities among adults. This award is administered by the Community and Clinical Connections for Prevention and Health Branch.
The work focuses on the following:
- Environmental strategies to promote and support healthy eating and active living.
- Strategies to build support for healthy lifestyles, particularly for those at high risk to support diabetes, heart disease and stroke prevention efforts.
- Health system interventions to improve the quality of health care delivery to populations with the highest hypertension and pre-diabetes disparities.
- Community-clinical linkages that bridge community prevention efforts with health care systems.
Environmental strategies are directed toward the entire adult population within five funded regions. Lifestyle change programs and health care systems activities specifically target:
- Populations at high risk for type 2 diabetes.
- Racial/ethnic groups with significant disparities in the burden of stroke, diabetes and obesity.
- Medicaid beneficiaries with uncontrolled high blood pressure.